- Absolutism: The doctrine of government by a single absolute ruler; autocracy.
- Agnosticism: The belief that we can know nothing beyond material phenomena.
- Anarchism: The doctrine that all governments should be abolished.
- Anthropomorphism: The attribution of human qualities to non-human things.
- Atheism: The belief that there is no God.
- Capitalism: The doctrine that private ownership and free markets should govern economies.
- Collectivism: The doctrine of communal control of the means of production.
- Existentialism: A philosophical movement emphasizing individual existence, freedom, and choice.
- Feminism: Advocacy for gender equality and women’s rights.
- Hedonism: The pursuit of pleasure as the highest good.
- Idealism: The belief that reality is fundamentally mental or spiritual.
- Nihilism: The rejection of religious and moral principles, often associated with despair.
- Pacifism: The opposition to war and violence.
- Utilitarianism: The ethical theory that actions should maximize overall happiness.
This list is just a glimpse; there are many more isms out there, each shaping our understanding of the world and our place in it. Feel free to explore further! 🌟