GK MCQs in table form across various categories.


| Category      | Question                                                | Options                          | Answer   |

| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------| -------- |

| Geography     | What is the capital of France?                        | A) Paris  B) London  C) Berlin    | A) Paris |

| Science       | Which gas is most abundant in Earth's atmosphere?    | A) Oxygen  B) Carbon Dioxide  C) Nitrogen | C) Nitrogen |

| History       | Who was the first President of the United States?    | A) Thomas Jefferson  B) Benjamin Franklin  C) George Washington | C) George Washington |

| Literature    | Who wrote the novel "Pride and Prejudice"?           | A) Emily Brontë  B) Jane Austen  C) Charles Dickens | B) Jane Austen |

| Sports        | In which sport would you perform a slam dunk?       | A) Tennis  B) Basketball  C) Soccer | B) Basketball |

| Music         | Who is known as the "King of Pop"?                  | A) Elvis Presley  B) Michael Jackson  C) Madonna | B) Michael Jackson |

| Politics      | Who is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?    | A) Boris Johnson  B) Angela Merkel  C) Emmanuel Macron | A) Boris Johnson |

| Art           | Which famous artist painted the "Mona Lisa"?        | A) Vincent van Gogh  B) Pablo Picasso  C) Leonardo da Vinci | C) Leonardo da Vinci |

| Movies        | Which film won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2020? | A) "Parasite"  B) "The Shape of Water"  C) "Nomadland" | C) "Nomadland" |

| Technology    | Who co-founded Microsoft Corporation?               | A) Bill Gates  B) Jeff Bezos  C) Mark Zuckerberg | A) Bill Gates |

| Sports        | In which country did the sport of cricket originate? | A) England  B) India  C) Australia | A) England |

| History       | Which ancient civilization built the pyramids of Giza? | A) Roman  B) Egyptian  C) Greek | B) Egyptian |

| Geography     | What is the largest desert in the world?            | A) Sahara Desert  B) Gobi Desert  C) Atacama Desert | A) Sahara Desert |

| Literature    | Who wrote the play "Romeo and Juliet"?              | A) William Shakespeare  B) Charles Dickens  C) F. Scott Fitzgerald | A) William Shakespeare |

| Science       | What is the chemical symbol for gold?               | A) Au  B) Ag  C) Fe | A) Au |

| Politics      | Who is the current President of the United States?  | A) Joe Biden  B) Donald Trump  C) Barack Obama | A) Joe Biden |

| Art           | Which artist is famous for his melting clocks in "The Persistence of Memory"? | A) Salvador Dali  B) Vincent van Gogh  C) Pablo Picasso | A) Salvador Dali |

| Movies        | Who directed the "Lord of the Rings" film trilogy? | A) Steven Spielberg  B) James Cameron  C) Peter Jackson | C) Peter Jackson |

| Technology    | Which company developed the iPhone?                 | A) Samsung  B) Apple  C) Google | B) Apple |

| Sports        | What is the national sport of Japan?                | A) Sumo Wrestling  B) Judo  C) Karate | A) Sumo Wrestling |

| Geography     | Which river is the longest in the world?             | A) Nile  B) Amazon  C) Mississippi | A) Nile |

| Science       | What is the chemical symbol for oxygen?              | A) O  B) Ox  C) Oy | A) O |

| History       | Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean? | A) Amelia Earhart  B) Bessie Coleman  C) Rosa Parks | A) Amelia Earhart |

| Literature    | Which Shakespearean play features the character Macbeth? | A) Romeo and Juliet  B) Hamlet  C) Macbeth | C) Macbeth |

| Sports        | In which sport would you use a shuttlecock?         | A) Badminton  B) Table Tennis  C) Tennis | A) Badminton |

| Music         | Who is known as the "Queen of Pop"?                 | A) Madonna  B) Beyoncé  C) Lady Gaga | A) Madonna |

| Politics      | Who is the Chancellor of Germany as of 2023?        | A) Angela Merkel  B) Olaf Scholz  C) Emmanuel Macron | B) Olaf Scholz |

| Art           | Who painted the "Starry Night" masterpiece?         | A) Pablo Picasso  B) Vincent van Gogh  C) Leonardo da Vinci | B) Vincent van Gogh |

| Movies        | What is the highest-grossing film of all time (unadjusted for inflation)? | A) Avatar  B) Avengers: Endgame  C) Titanic | B) Avengers: Endgame |

| Technology    | Who co-founded Tesla, Inc.?                         | A) Elon Musk  B) Mark Zuckerberg  C) Jeff Bezos | A) Elon Musk |

| Sports        | In which sport does a player score a "try"?         | A) Rugby  B) Football  C) Cricket | A) Rugby |

| History       | Who was the first Emperor of the Roman Empire?      | A) Julius Caesar  B) Augustus Caesar  C) Nero | B) Augustus Caesar |

| Geography     | What is the capital of Australia?                    | A) Sydney  B) Melbourne  C) Canberra | C) Canberra |

| Literature    | Which author wrote "The Great Gatsby"?               | A) F. Scott Fitzgerald  B) Ernest Hemingway  C) Jane Austen | A) F. Scott Fitzgerald |

| Science       | What is the smallest planet in our solar system?    | A) Earth  B) Venus  C) Mercury | C) Mercury |

| Politics      | Who is the current Prime Minister of Canada?        | A) Justin Trudeau  B) Stephen Harper  C) Jean Chrétien | A) Justin Trudeau |

| Art           | Which art movement is known for its use of geometric shapes and primary colors? | A) Surrealism  B) Cubism  C) Impressionism | B) Cubism |

| Movies        | Who played the character Jack Dawson in the film "Titanic"? | A) Leonardo DiCaprio  B) Brad Pitt  C) Tom Hanks | A) Leonardo DiCaprio |

| Technology    | What does "www" stand for in a website URL?          | A) World Wide Web  B) Web Web Web  C) Website | A) World Wide Web |

| Sports        | In which country was the sport of archery first practiced? | A) China  B) Greece  C) India | B) Greece |

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